Thought Leadership

from ABK and our colleagues


Innovation Districts

Detroit and Innovation Districts

Bruce Katz and Britany Affolter-Caine: Innovation districts can help Detroit build on success,” January 28, 2022.

Kofi Bonner: Here's how Detroit can be a hub for talent attraction,” January 28, 2022.

Ned Staebler and Bruce Katz: Can Detroit lead the green mobility revolution,” October 21, 2021.

Bruce Katz, Bob Geolas, Julie Wagner, How Innovation Districts can help Drive an Inclusive Economy,” February 25, 2021

Julie Wagner, “Innovation District Partnerships: a Work Session at the World Economic Forum’s Detroit  Urban Transformation Summit,” October 2023.

Global Innovation Districts

Bruce Katz and Karen Black: “Cortex Innovation District: A Model for Anchor-Led Innovation,” 2020.

Julie Wagner, Bruce Katz, and Thomas Osha: “The Evolution of Innovation Districts: The New Geography of Global Innovation,” June 7, 2019.

Bruce Katz and Julie Wagner: “The Rise of Innovation Districts,” May 2014.

Bruce Katz and Kelly Kline: “An Advanced Manufacturing District Grows in Sheffield, England,” March 25, 2015.

Community Wealth-Building

Climate, Communities, and New Federal Partnerships

Bruce Katz, Benjamin Weiser, AJ Hermann, Ross Van Dongen, “Emerging Projects Agreements: A new kind of Federal-City Partnership,” December 7, 2023. 

Lori Bamberger, Bruce Katz, Florian Schalliol, Brian Reyes, “How Communities can Maximize the Inflation Reduction Act,” April 20, 2023.

Bruce Katz and Bryan Fike, “Will 2024 Be a Year of Financial Innovation?,” January 5, 2024. 

Homeownership & Community Equity

Lori Bamberger and Bruce Katz, “Boosting Homeownership in an era of Parasitic Capital,” May 12, 2022. 

Lori Bamberger, Nadia Sesay, Roberta Achtenberg, and Bruce Katz: Redressing the Racial Wealth Divide through Homeownership and Community Equity,” September 2021.

Small Business and Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

Peter Bassine, Della Clark, Gary Cunningham, Benjamin Della Rocca, Bulbul Gupta, Marie C. Johns, Bruce Katz, Nate Loewentheil, Jamie Rubin, Mary Jean Ryan, Luz Urrutia: Big Ideas for Small Business: A five-step roadmap for rebuilding the U.S. Small Business Sector, Reviving Entrepreneurship, and Closing the Racial Wealth Gap,” October 2020.

Opportunity Zones

Roberta Achtenberg, Lori Bamberger, Bruce Katz, Kofi Bonner, Kate Gasparro: “Growing Wealth in Opportunity Zones: A Proposal for Community Equity Trusts,” July 2020.

Ross Baird, Bruce Katz, Jihae Lee, and Daniel Palmer: Toward a new system of community wealth-building,” October 27, 2019. =

Lori Bamberger and Bruce Katz: “Voices from the Field: How financial innovation can enable inclusive Opportunity Zones,” March 2019.

Other Resources on Innovation Districts and Inclusive Economic Development:

Drexel Nowak Metro Finance Lab

Global Institute on Innovation Districts

New Localism

Brookings Metro 

Urban Institute Housing Finance Policy Center

U.S. Economic Development Administration